Welcome to the MassHire Greater Brockton Career Center
Looking for a new job can be incredibly challenging, overwhelming, and stressful. Maybe you haven’t looked for a job in many years and are finding that a lot has changed. Perhaps you are looking to move to a new occupation, and need help getting started. Or maybe you just need a quiet room full of the latest technology and staffed by knowledgeable professionals to help you apply for jobs on-line and send out your resume.
Whatever your situation, we are here to help!
The MassHire Greater Brockton Career Center is a career center, funded by your federal and state tax dollars. Our job is to help you be successful in finding the right job! And we are really good at what we do. Come on down and let us give you a helping hand. Whether you are a first-time job seeker or an experienced professional, we have services geared towards your specific needs.
Become a member. It is easy, and it is free. Becoming a member makes all of our services available to you. All you need to do is attend a brief, 90 minute orientation meeting that walks you through all our services, successful job searching, and many of the state and federal programs that may be available to you while you are looking for work. If you register on JobQuest by visiting the JobQuest website before orientation you can save even more time. Visit our calendar to see when upcoming meetings will be happening. Call to reserve your time.
Take advantage of our many services including:
- A state of the art Resource Room with technology and experienced professionals to help you apply for jobs on-line, post your resume, and much more.
- A wide variety of free workshops to help you sharpen your skills.
- Opportunities for free training.
- Priority service for veterans, including a dedicated counselor for disabled veterans.
- On-site unemployment insurance counselors and resources to work on Unemployment Online applications and issues.