About Us
Our Story
The MassHire Greater Brockton Career Center is a non-profit MassHire Career Center under charter with the MassHire Greater Brockton Workforce Board and managed by the UMass Donahue Institute.
The MassHire Greater Brockton Career Center is part of a statewide network of MassHire Career Centers that are connected to each other and with the Internet through a secure data network. To visit one of Massachusetts’ other MassHire Career Centers visit the mass.gov website. Many of the MassHire Greater Brockton Career Center’s resources are available electronically and can be accessed by personal computer or mobile device.

MassHire Greater Brockton Workforce Board
The MassHire Greater Brockton Workforce Board is one of 16 MassHire Workforce Investment Boards statewide working to build links between the business community and the workforce. TheMassHire Workforce Investment Boards oversee and implement workforce development activities in the Commonwealth. They are composed of private sector business people, labor, education, and community leaders, and serve as conduits for federal and state workforce development funds. The MassHire Workforce Investment Boards also help connect employers with job seekers and provide current members of the workforce, and those seeking employment, with the training they need.

UMass Donahue Institute
Established in 1971, the UMass Donahue Institute is a public service, research, and economic development arm of the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Our mission is to apply theory and innovation to solve real world challenges and enable our clients to achieve their goals and aspirations. We serve clients in the public, non-profit, and private sectors in the Commonwealth and throughout the nation and the world.